Saturday, August 27, 2011

2nd Posting, His Hands and Feet

I'm not sure if anyone is reading my conversations with Jesus, but man do I hope so, b/c maybe 1 purpose of this blog is to become His Hands and Feet in serving the needs of His people.  As I was reading George Bush's book (whom u may have been a supporter of his or not), Decision Points, a book filled with nothing but compassion and love for his country, its people and the out reaching of generosity and heartfelt sincerity for Gods people; the poor, the orphaned and the widowed, all of which God commands us to take care of.  Bush, being a man of strong religion and God fearing, every choice made was in the best interest of the United States of America.  This is what brings me to my brief, but powerful, conversation with Jesus."Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.", said Jesus.  Fulfulling the needs of the suffering.  In the book, The Hole in the Gospel by Richard Stearns, president of World Vision, a humanitarian organization, motivated by faith in Jesus Christ, serves alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God's unconditional love for all people.  It provides hope and peace for the poor, needy and orphaned thru volunteer funding and sponsorships for children and community needs to provide basic survival ...such as health clinics and wells for clean drinking water.  This book changed my life last year, matter of fact I really ought to read it each year as a reminder of just how fortunate I am.  In this book, along with many shocking statistics, one that has continued to stand out is the fact that if every Christian who attends church would donate just $1, we could closely end hunger ( I don't remember the exact %, so I do apologize), but can u imagine.....if we each give $1, just $1, we could feed the mouths of starving, crying orphans and malnutrioned pregnant mothers who have most likely been raped and r most likely infected with aids, medications, clean drinking water and some form of shelter.  Lets become His Hands and Feet and help these people in need, in the US and other countries.  I have no idea what God's plan is, only where He wants me start, so here we go....I challenge each of you who are out there, if any, to start collecting $1 from each member of your congregation and submit it to World Vision, PO Box 9716, Dept W, Federal Way, WA 98063-9716; email: info@world; or to learn about World Vision go to  Lets c what we can do thru His Hands and Feet.......

"His form of worship is to be the eyes of the blind and the feet of the lame."  -Bono, musician and co-founder of the ONE Campaign

Saturday, August 20, 2011

1st Post, Conversations with Jesus

<p>"Go and thirst no more", said Jesus to the woman at the well.&#160; Women at the Well is a blog sharing my conversations with Jesus each morning ( let me note here, I am in no way an expert in religion or theology, but only God's messenger).&#160; As women, we have so many roles we play every day and in my experience, it can be so overwhelming and exhausting in our busy lives.&#160; My heart is often broken by the stories I hear in the checkout lane at Walmart, school functions, phone conversations, hair salons and simple gatherings with friends.&#160; Stories of which i can relate and some which i cannot, but in respect to them all, i carry this genuine tender place for each and every one of them.&#160; In a consuming fog of stories, I sometimes find myself weeping and praying.... and this is the morning when Jesus said, "meet me at the well".&#160;&#160; <br>

Let me give u my birds-eye view of these conversations at the well.....the desert produces a hot breezy wind, sometimes thick and heavy with the pelting of sand in your face, making it hard to find your way in this baron land.&nbsp; The rags I am wearing r hot and acting as a parachute, making it difficult to keep the pace but providing the protection needed to walk the land set between me and my Destination.&nbsp; As I walk I'm thinking about what it is we will chat about today and what wisdom will come from the King.&nbsp; Some days I am anxious and others I'm tired and weary but, as you would imagine, the time is always breathless.&nbsp; As I approach the well, there is no distinct sight of Him but this silhoette i cannot make out b/c of blowing sand and my need for water.  My thirst is distorting my vision and I feel as if I might faint and then there it is; that familiar gentle touch of my Makers hand, assisting me to the well and offering me a cool drink of water, satisfying my thirsts.  It is here that we sit, leaning against the rocky well, talking; just Him n I, like old friends, nothing formal, just Him and I, relaxing, sandals off with our feet in the hot pedicuring sand..... laughing; just Him and I.  Im trying to control my excitement in the coming words of great wisdom from the Author Himself on whatever it is He decides to share and when He does, it is my most rewarding moment each day when spent with Jesus at the well.